
Your Privacy is Our Primary Concern

As with any health information, your privacy is our primary concern. North Central Arizona Accountable Care carefully follows all HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations so only those providers who have a reason or need to see your protected health information will have access to it.

Informed Care Leads to Coordinated Care

Providing you and your medical team with access to your health information is essential to the delivery of highly coordinated healthcare. North Central Arizona Accountable Care’s commitment to electronic medical record technology provides your caregivers with real-time access to your medical record which helps them to make appropriate decisions about your care. Here’s how it works.

Your medical record includes a detailed summary of care you have received. It includes information about any drug allergies you might have. It includes a history of any laboratory or radiology studies that have been performed. It also includes a list of the medications you have been prescribed. In short, your medical record is a snapshot of your health history.

Your medical team needs access to your health history to fully evaluate your health status and to provide you with the appropriate care you need. With access to your medical record, your providers can prepare a care plan that is specific to your individual needs to help you avoid and/or control chronic conditions that can lead to more serious health problems.

It's Good to Know ...

When your medical record is part of a secure electronic medical record system, your health information is available to members of your medical team via a laptop computer, tablet or other device in real-time. This helps your medical team share information relevant to your care and to capture information that will be helpful in the future. This is a significant advantage over traditional paper medical records where only one provider at a time can view your information.

With an electronic medical record, your health information can be viewed by multiple providers at one time from different locations. This allows you to receive the highly-individualized care you need where you need it, when you need it.

As with any health information, your privacy is our primary concern. North Central Arizona Accountable Care carefully follows all HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations so only those providers who have a reason or need to see your information will have access to it.
